Friday, January 29, 2010

Idaho/Oregon - please share your melanoma story!

I am 48 and was dianosed with melanoma in July 2009 (more on this in my next post). From this point forward, my life was forever changed. I had no idea how serious melanoma was ... did you know that you can die from skin cancer? I didn't. In my short experience with melanoma, I've realized the tremendous need for more education and research -- I thought this would be one simple place to start. My hope is that this blog will be a place to begin an Idaho/Oregon melanoma support network for people diagnosed who feel alone and need local support. There are many good online organizations (national and international) available for medical information and assistance, but how does one go about finding others who are in the same city or state to begin building a support system? Let's start here and see what happens ... If you live in Oregon or Idaho and have been diagnosed with melanoma, please share your story here ... through our stories, let's find a way to make a difference with state and federal funding for melaonma research -- maybe we can start local programs within schools or sports programs to educate kids about the dangers of the sun and the importance of sunscreen. Maybe we can educate new parents about the reality of skin cancer being on the rise. Anything is possible, and I look forward to hearing from you!